Eva D.
Spark community. Elicit vibrancy. Facilitate people finding their best selves. Induce self-expression. Make twerk a team sport. Set it all free. Fuel joy. Also known as: I teach WERQ Dance Fitness.
the people
We have such an amazing community! The most creative, fun-loving, go-for-it, kind human beings all seem to find us. I blame Jennifer! She has been so intentional about building it that way. She sets it up, and all we have to do is come in and knock it down.
how I got started
My earliest dance memory was being alone in my kitchen as a six-year-old, freestyle dancing to an irresistible new song: Footloose. I was going for it. HARD. I mean, think about it: this was Loggins at his prime. I knew what I had to do and I did it. After a few years, Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson came along, and again, I had no choice but to go HAM on the dance floor, which by this time was a carpeted basement at my neighbor Laura’s house. She wore fantastic blue eyeliner and believed in sequins on everything, which was obviously CORRECT. All we ever wanted to do was dance and roller skate. So that’s what we did. Sometimes both at the same time.
why join me?
Because it’s a full hour for you to love yourself. And for me to love you.