What is your PulsePDX story?


Jenny and HusbandYou know that moment when something just feels right? Well, that was me, walking into Pulse for the first time. I have always favored dance fitness, from Jane Fonda on the VCR in the 90s to the dancy step aerobic classes I used to take, to Jazzercise, and the random Zumba class here and there. Pulse had been recommended to me by a fellow Jazzerciser, and though I was mildly deterred by the hoards of very young people I would see exiting the studio sometimes, I took my decidedly middle-aged self to Jennifer’s Zumba class–amazing, challenging, fun! I dabbled in a few other formats, then came Werq and I was entirely smitten. I remember loving the way being there felt– and the friendly faces, nightclub lights, and sound, the variety of formats, and incredibly skilled teachers, all in a non-franchised, woman-owned, neighborhood small business. There were even familiar faces here and there, and soon, I was dancing with many new friends every week. I signed up for more Magic!

PulsePDX FunHow long have you been coming to PulsePDX?


5 years.


What are some of your favorite things about PulsePDX?


I love the variety of formats that are taught, and with each instructor’s own flair and energy. I enjoy the diversity of our community, and the kind souls we have in our midst. I love that we could all stay connected during the pandemic, through the hard work and incredible efforts of Jennifer and the Pulse team. This list must include my love of the floating dancefloor–it is so kind to my joints!–and the high-quality sound system. All perfect for losing yourself in the joy of dance.

What do you do when you aren’t dancing with us?


Jenny and FamilyI am Mom to Keira and Raina, 16 and 21, and I’ve been married to my husband Don for 35 years. These numbers always astonish me for some reason; time really does fly! You might run into me at a concert or at a Video Dance Attack event put on by my friend VJ Kittyrox. I love to garden, cook, travel, and play with my kitties PJ and Duke. At work, I am a Maternal Fetal Medicine sonographer for Legacy Health. Within the scope of my role, the most rewarding is the diagnosis of complex congenital heart defects in the fetus (aka my Super Power :-). The fetal hearts I examine are usually the size of about a small blueberry at the initial evaluation! I feel honored to serve this population, and I am deeply passionate about, and equally rewarded by, caring for women and families as they navigate medically fragile pregnancies and highly complex fetal conditions.