news, information & community

Live Stream Classes
Unable to join us in-person? We have a variety of classes to keep you moving and connected from home! Classes may be taken with memberships, punch-cards, or with a $6 drop-in fee. You can see the current class schedule on MindBody. To register: Make sure your email is...
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NEWS and Information

Studio Closed Thursday Evening and Friday Morning
Tonight is a good night to avoid the roads and sidewalks! All of our Thursday evening and Friday morning classes are canceled. We hope that temperatures will rise tomorrow so we can clear the sidewalks and make them safe for our evening classes. Please check here and...
Classes and Events

Savage Burlesque
4 Week Workshop and Performance Join Brit each Saturday afternoon in February for 2 hours for an opportunity to unleash your inner savage spirit in a powerful 4-week beginner-level heels performance workshop. Whether you’re just curious about burlesque, you’re...

Spotlight on Jenny M
What is your PulsePDX story? You know that moment when something just feels right? Well, that was me, walking into Pulse for the first time. I have always favored dance fitness, from Jane Fonda on the VCR in the 90s to the dancy step aerobic classes I used to...